Godaddy Parking Curse: Part 2


I have the results from the test I said I was going to do in the last video! And I LOVE the results!!

If you don’t want to watch the video here is what I did.

1) I purchased 5 domains that FreshDrop reported to have PageRank, but had been stripped of it just by being “parked” at Godaddy. So the day I bought them, my tools and seochat’s pr look-up tool reported NO PageRank.

2) I hosted those domains. (no websites went on them, just a blank index page)

3) Waited a month to see if the PageRank would return.

Results: In all 5 domains PageRank DID return!! (Oh am I happy!!)

Moral to the story is: If you are getting conflicting PageRank results when doing your due dilagence when purchasing deleted domains for seo purposes, “chances” are PageRank will come back once you host the site.

But for how long? …Well, that is another test and video lol 😉

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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14 thoughts on “Godaddy Parking Curse: Part 2

  1. Wow. It seems such a simple solution. Is this issue only with domain names parked at GoDaddy? I am guessing that you do not need to host them with GoDaddy just because they were parked there. Thanks for the insight!

  2. Till now I didnt get in to this site and now I got a chance for that. I will be very thankful to you for giving me a chance. And all in all this site was a very good one.

  3. Thank you for that insightful information. I do agree that it can be scary when you buy sites, and see that the page ranks are zero. But nice to know that the PR came back once you had hosted the site, and that the godaddy curse is only temporary.

  4. That’s interesting PR dropped to zero because of GoDaddy parking.

    Do you have plans to test with other resellers or have you already done that? I use multiple resellers and it’s nice to know that this effect is only temporary with GoDaddy.

  5. Thank you very much by that info. Several times before i wanted to buy expired domains and never done it because everytime i checked their page rank it was always 0 or non-existent and that kept me from doing it. Now i will never again be afraid of buyng one of those domains.

    I’ll return more times for your posts for sure. Bookmarked!

    Rui Santos

  6. Wow, that’s a pretty cool discovery! And a timely one for me! I’m just about to purchase some domains and have been discussing the PageRank issue with a friend. I can’t wait to tell her this news! 🙂

    Thanks so much for sharing!

  7. its a nice an intelligent solution to page ranking .but pls u better explain it .it is some what technical to me .but nice work.i will talk about this to my friends.

  8. that’s a good info, I’m planning to buy a domain for myself but I’m really worried that my page rank would turn vanish. but I’m glad that there’s already a solution to this.

    Thanks for sharing. 🙂

  9. My blog does not have a PR at all. I have been thinking about buying a domain. This is such a good idea. Thank you for the info.

  10. I wonder what would happen to that PR in case you got a blank page running on the domain, I think it’s PR would decrease over time!

  11. That’s a shortcut to achieving Good Pagerank. However, in the long term, you would need good contents and relevancy in your website. Good to check the relevancy of the backlink themes to the URL that you intend to buy, so that you could decide if it is relevant to your monetization plan.

  12. I guess the Pagerank issue not only happen with where the domain was parked, just as Chris mentioned, there are other factors that will affect the website’s popularity.

    I am wondering am I just waste my time doing all the SEO, backlinking stuff just to push my website ranking up if the domain I registered 1 month ago came out with “Registrar History: 2 registrars with 2 drops”??

    For this instant, I learned a lesson that when register even a new/fresh domain, I really have to check properly for all the Registrar and Hosting Histories before paying my money.

    Anyway, Thanks for the info.